Boomerang Animal Rehabilitation Center offers all of our client's state of the art, up to date pet therapy services and equipment!
Laser therapy uses a special (cool temperature) light that encourages cell regeneration and healthy blood circulation. This therapy is used to help your pet heal wounds, promote circulation, and increase overall health.
Our underwater treadmill is basically what it sounds like! Hydrotherapy can be very beneficial to pet rehabilitation and to promote fitness. The underwater treadmill allows buoyancy and resistance, making it easier for an injured or overweight animal to walk and slowly build strength. This therapy improves weight, strength, and flexibility.
Boomerang Animal Rehabilitation Center has dog-specific equipment that is made specifically to help get your furry friend back up and running! This equipment is designed with dogs in mind, making sure they are comfortable and happy.
Our sizeable outdoor space allows your pet to run and play or go on long walks to increase stamina and get them back on their feet!
If you have an overweight pet, we can help. Some pets have a hard time losing weight on their own, and we have therapies specifically tailored to help your pet lose weight safely and quickly.
Arthritis can cause extremely painful joints for your pet and lead to mobility issues. Our therapies help your pet with flexibility and range of motion so that they can be as comfortable as possible. We also offer massage therapy, which has impressive benefits for pets with arthritis.
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